Twilight (2008)
Based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling novel, Twilight follows the saga of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), who moves to a small town to live with her father. At school, she meets Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a mysterious classmate who reveals himself to be a 108-year-old vampire. Despite his cautions, Bella falls in love with Edward, which endangers her life when a coven of bloodsuckers arrives to challenge Edward and his family.
This is in my Netflix queue. It seems to be a favorite of many! We'll see how I like on-screen Vampire Romance!
In this darkly comic web of crime, murder and mayhem from writer Quentin Tarantino and director Tony Scott, novice prostitute Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette) and her lover, comic book store clerk Clarence Worley (Christian Slater), become a Bonnie and Clyde for the 1990s. When Clarence kills Alabama's pimp, the newlyweds ride off into the sunset -- with $5 million worth of cocaine in a suitcase and the police and the mob on their trail.
Marginally a romance, it is a fun romp with some romantic elements.
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True Romance; Romance that is absolutely true to the essence of who we are; Romance that pivots on a heartfelt naturalness of expression, rich with the unsullied innocence of a child.
I've always been a true romantic at heart. I hope you enjoy cavorting on this site and discover plenty of inspiration and ideas to TURN UP THE VOLUME on your romantic life!