Your Love Relationship: How to Savor that Divine Swoon
Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings and queens of common clay.
It is the perfume of that wondrous flower, the heart, and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts; but with it, earth is heaven, and we are gods.Robert Green Ingersoll (183399)
Ah, love relationships! Being successful as one half of a loving couple is surely one of life's profound achievements. Navigating our way through any love relationship, from
- sweet and innocent puppy love crushes to
- mad drama-filled teen infatuations to
- live-in relationship dating or
- courtship dating with an eye to marriage and children
or even sailing through the peaks and valleys of a happy marriage, can be rewarding beyond our wildest dreams.
It can also be our worst nightmare!
What makes the difference? Setting an intention for what we want out of our relationship and focusing on its positive aspects and those of ourselves and our beloved gets us most of the way there. Add to that a little inspiration and follow-through and it's smooth sailing, Mate!
Earth IS Heaven! |
A Difference of Opinion by Sir Alma-Tadema 18x24 Giclee Print Buy From Art.com

The Accolade by Edmund Leighton 42x53 Wall Tapestry Buy From Art.com |
We don't need hocus-pocus, counseling or even little blue pills. We have everything we need right inside.
When we concentrate in our mind's eye on the wondrous flower of our heart and see it overflowing with love for our dear ones, it gets bigger.
And when our heart gets bigger it holds more love! More love flowing means more love for everyone.
Did you know that romantic couples actually live longer, happier lives?
So, the only OTHER thing to add to all of that bliss is a wee bit of inspiration; a little help making your plan and some support and guidance for sticking to it. Here at
Romantic Ideas Online
we are eager to help. Romantic relationships are what make the world go round. That's our story and were sticking to it! Maybe you need more confidence. No problem. A few Romantic Ideas up your sleeve and you'll feel bolder and more certain of yourself. Have you ever found yourself in the frustrating doldrums of a long distance relationship, or in the choppy seas of a rebound relationship supposedly (all your friends say) doomed to fail? We can help! REMEMBER: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." from "Nature Boy", a song by Eden Ahbez, published in 1947.
Here's an easy Love Relationship Exercise to try alone or with your partner.
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